IC-Manchester Rain

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« Reply #15 on: <04-07-14/1438:18> »
He looks a bit annoyed and fidgety at the prospect of having to wait that long.
//5 days is the absolute limit, there's an extra 500 in it for you if you get it done in 3. <<commcode attached>> call me once you are online and in the RnD labs//
He gestures as if controlling a device and logs out of the host.


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« Reply #16 on: <04-09-14/1204:07> »
Spark sat back, took a sip of soy-caf and thought. She'd need a few things for this job, and she'd need to do a little research. Her stomach rumbled. Despite still being able to taste it, a digital illusion of salmon didn't provide the needed calories. She had better get this job finished, in 3 days if she could. Food wasn't free, and the kitchen cupboards were as hollow as her account.

She set to work locating the rad-suit, mask and filters she'd need, as well as a geiger counter and batteries. She had a suitable bag for all her extant gear, and her own transport, but some of the more unusual electronics might need a little more work to acquire.

She searched for information on 50 year old hardware standards and software protocols which might become useful; she'd likely have to make some kind of interface board so that her deck could talk to the old mainframe.

The caf sat cooling as the sun slowly drifted down the window, spidery cracks splashing sparks of gold across the back wall and the tranquil figure of a girl who's eyes darted unceasing beneath their lids.


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« Reply #17 on: <04-15-14/1209:15> »

1)Matrix search for shopping list (INT + computer) limit = data processing rating
Feel free to tap up your contacts for help on this if needed

2)Matrix search for 50 year old kit (INT + computer) limit = data processing rating.
Feel free to roll an appropriate knowledge skill here too.


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« Reply #18 on: <04-22-14/0935:06> »
Matrix search for gear: 14d6.hits(5)=5
Matrix search for old computer equipment: 14d6.hits(5)=4


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« Reply #19 on: <04-23-14/1116:41> »
The soycaf simmers on the side as you paw through reams and reams of suitable gear providers.
It seemed that there were a couple of expeditionary stores in greater lancashire, one in the remnants of Blackburn and two in Manchester that looked like they'd stock the stuff you'd need.
The Blackburn store replied to your enquiry almost instantly.
//<<From: @Adventures inc>>//Thanks for your enquiry. We stock a range of protective clothing suitable for ventures out into the wilds, as well as a "lightly worn" selection of second hand goods. Feel free to visit our Matrix store for virtual fittings and an up-to-the-second stock availability check + reservations. {node invite attached} Kinds Regards, Dan//
The geiger counter should be easy enough, they were ten-a-penny in the RadioShack sensor dept in the market district, and you could soon wire up a universal charger to one if you needed to.

Searching for info on pre-crash electronics was much harder going. Between conflicting thesis on the cause of the crash and the repercussions of it plus the endless and useless model-specific user manuals for varying old devices, you soon realised it wasn't going to be as easy as you thought.
The old-style universal connectors were slightly larger and had the power pins located on the opposite side to the newer styles. You'd need to wire up a converter cable for the data, but at least the power should be easy enough. You had a spare power brick that should hold enough juice to keep a server rack running for about 20 minutes, which should be ample.
The biggest concern you had would be the actual interface. If the rack booted up, it'd probably have some kind of backup storage; most likely optical. If it was jiggered, you'd need to code up a compatibility layer or an emulator of some kind. That would take some more digging and really, you'd need to get your hands on some pre-crash code or hardware first...


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« Reply #20 on: <05-06-14/0855:52> »
With a flick of a finger, Spark brought up the custom dialler program and established an encrypted connection to one of her old friends. 'Old' in that they had been friends a long time, before she'd sold him out. It had been for a good reason, but even though he knew that, trust was hard to rebuild. She continued to try though, starting as a customer who always paid on time.

//MESSAGE<Ubik, how are you keeping? I need something unusual from you, and fast. I have the creds to pay for it. I need some information on pre-crash server interfaces, and some old parts with which to build an interface card. I need them by tonight.>>//

OOC: Ubik, aka Lucas Koch, electronics shop owner, Loy1, Con2. Same age as Spark, grew up in the same neighbourhood. Also insists on calling Spark by her real name rather than her handle, mainly cos he knows it annoys her.


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« Reply #21 on: <05-06-14/1146:26> »
//Shit, you going grave robbing eh?
I've got an old bin of pre-crash junk in the basement, occasionally comes in handy. I'm open till 7 tonight, maybe later if you make it worth my while. Price depends on how much you need, talk about it when you get here.
You'll be buying something tonight, I'm not having my time wasted.//