[IC] Drowning in Shadows

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« Reply #15 on: <02-02-12/1018:33> »
When the elevator door opens, Mike just glimpse a gun, and the talk that's happening is enough for him to react on instinct, turning on the augmentation that boost his reflexes, as the situation calls for it.

Free action - Activate Move-by-Wire System
Other actions - delayed


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« Reply #16 on: <02-02-12/1107:41> »

Ravier's nervousness (or downright nervous breakdown) is infectious, the Nurse shakes a little and glances left and right continuously and the guard steps forward to grab Nina.

"Just get out already!" - he says angrily. 


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« Reply #17 on: <02-02-12/1254:36> »
On the other side of the aether a guy named Watchmaker answers. Apparently, he's a drone expert and knows a few people around the city. He had missing person cases before, and he's quite frank about it - "there's little chance after this much time" - he says with a sympathetic voice - "but if you're willing to try, I'm ready. Not gonna be cheap, though."

"I'm sure we can work something out," Sammy said, "I want to find find my sister.  But I've been ripped of too much lately, so please forgive me that I'm a bit sceptic at the moment."
She knew it would cost a lot, but she had to be careful.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #18 on: <02-02-12/1309:08> »
As the Move-by-Wire system activated, Mike felt the usual sensation of change in time perspection; his awareness expanding as time itself became a more manegeable resource. There was a gun pointed at him, and the guy who was holding it seemed nervous and was shouting at them.

The guy was polite enough to greet him with a gun, so a gentleman should also greet him the same way.

Quote from: Quick Draw and Attack Test
Quick-Draw attempt = 8 (Reaction) + 6 (Pistols) = 14 dice (Threshold 3) = 1 hit, no glitch
The threshold was not achieved, so I can't fire on the same Simple Action. But as no glitch occured, the gun is readied, and I can shoot it at my next simple action.

With an astounding speed, Mike unholsters his own taser, and levels it with his eyes, aiming at the other gun. He was not fast enough to shoot it at the same time, though.
« Last Edit: <02-02-12/1339:28> by Netzgeist »


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« Reply #19 on: <02-02-12/1338:56> »
Ravier sees the motion of Mike's hand and immediately squeezes the trigger. The dart flies out with an electric *bzzz* towards the Gentleman!

Nina's hand moves with experienced swiftness and accuracy, slapping away the guard's hands.

[spoiler]Ravier shoots (8d6.hits(5)=1)
See, Castle is bad for everyone :)[/spoiler]


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« Reply #20 on: <02-02-12/1343:26> »
Quote from: Defense test
As I haven't declared full defense (and I did another action before, the quick-draw), I will roll just Reaction to the Defense Test.
Defense Test: 8 (Reaction) = 8 dice = 2 hits, no glitch
Close, but no cigar, Ravier...


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« Reply #21 on: <02-02-12/1742:06> »
"I'm sure we can work something out," Sammy said, "I want to find find my sister.  But I've been ripped of too much lately, so please forgive me that I'm a bit sceptic at the moment."
She knew it would cost a lot, but she had to be careful.

"I'm sure we can work something out. Can we meet somewhere? I don't like talking about these things over the 'link. Especially because I know how many ways it can be intercepted. Sooo, you are still near the high school. How was the play? - he doesn't wait for your answer - Told you so. These suckers are so easy to track...I'll be there in ten!"


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« Reply #22 on: <02-02-12/1749:45> »
The same fluid movement that initiated with drawing the taser and preparing to shoot also puts Mike's body a little more aligned with his arm, which makes him to be not on the direction of the dart when it was shot.  The sound of it thumping on the inner wall of the elevator is enough for Mike to know that the guy really made his move.

And the Gentleman really don't like to see guns used against him. Smiling back at his assaulter, he pulls the trigger.

Quote from: Ranged Attack
Simple Action - Shooting the Taser against Ravier
7 (Agility) + 6 (Pistols) + 2 (Smartlink) = 15 dice = 3 hits, no glitch
It's the same roll I have made before.


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« Reply #23 on: <02-03-12/0420:06> »
Your taser doesn't have a smartgun system, but you get +2 point blank. Please guys, if you can, open the chummer file while planning an action - I need to rely on you knowing your characters a little, I cannot pay attention to every little detail. So please re-check your post, see if everything is OK before leaning back satisfied :)[/spoiler]

Ravier is very fast, but not fast enough this time. The dart catches him in the left shoulder and shocks him so badly he looses his balance and stumbles to the ground.

"No!" - the Nurse drops to her knees seemingly weeping, but then she pries the taser from Ravier's hand and shoots!

[spoiler]Mike, the threshold is 2. Please defend. The Nurses actions are spent.
Comes the guard.[/spoiler]


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« Reply #24 on: <02-03-12/0748:26> »
Quote from: Defense roll
8 (Reaction) - 1 (defender has defended against previous attack) = 7 dice pool = 3 hits, no glitch

Once again, the shot was made, but the well-clad ork proved to be a difficult target, even at close distance. He side-stepped the bullet-way as soon as he saw the gun raising again in his direction, and by the time the trigger was pulled, he was out of the way.

But these amateurs were getting annoying.

As his attention is focused on the "shooters", Mike is only partialy aware of the fight going on in front of him. It seems as if the guard and the amerindian ork engaged in combat, but he can't tell exactly what's going on.


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« Reply #25 on: <02-10-12/1224:43> »
The fight itself goes only for a few seconds but it seems much longer. After the missed shot, The Gentleman manages to wrestle away the taser from the nurse and subdues her (gently, I assume). The ork woman seems to be working here, but she may have come from a rougher neighborhood, because she manages to knock out the corrupt guard.
After another few seconds, Ravier starts to grunt and tries to get on his feet...


A few minutes later, a van pulls over and stops a few meters from her. The chauffeur seems to just sit there, not even bothering with the wheel as the van parks itself. His eyes are hazy, and you know why - he's in the matrix:

"If you can see a gray van near you, please come closer. I'll be out of the 'trix in a minute, just need to check on something. But don't try to get in yet! Outer defenses are active while I'm in VR." - you see on your commlink.


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« Reply #26 on: <02-10-12/1251:10> »
As the Gentleman perceives that the other side of the fight (the guard and the ork woman) has also ended, he let his own taser rests in it's holster again (though he maintain the taser he just took off the nurse on his grip). Unarmed, the nurse does not seem to put much of a fight, so he proceed the point the gun she previously held to Javier

"Okay, gentlemen, I think the wrestling and shooring time is over, and an explanation is in order. I don't take lightly to be held at gunpoint, even more twice, and we are not even saying about being actually shot. Will someone be so kindly as to clear the air and explain to me what exactly is going on in here? And, I guess it goes without saying, further bickering and agression would not be appreciated nor tolerated, did I make myself clear?"

With the free hand, the smiling ork taps his clothes, in order to make the cloth straight again after the subduing maneuver. His voice tone is calm but carries in it a sense of no-nonsense, and his breathing clearly indicate he has not struggled as much as he could.


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« Reply #27 on: <02-10-12/1340:52> »
Sammy took a closer look at the van and quickly popped into the astral to see if there was a spirit defence or a ward.  She didn't think so, mostly matrix specialists were not mages, but if he was part of a team it could be.  For the rest she waited, staying a bit away from the van.  It made good sense to stay cautious for now.

assensing of the van and the surroundings:
intuition 3 + assensing 3 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=2)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #28 on: <02-10-12/1543:14> »
As the Gentleman perceives that the other side of the fight (the guard and the ork woman) has also ended, he let his own taser rests in it's holster again (though he maintain the taser he just took off the nurse on his grip). Unarmed, the nurse does not seem to put much of a fight, so he proceed the point the gun she previously held to Javier

"Okay, gentlemen, I think the wrestling and shooring time is over, and an explanation is in order. I don't take lightly to be held at gunpoint, even more twice, and we are not even saying about being actually shot. Will someone be so kindly as to clear the air and explain to me what exactly is going on in here? And, I guess it goes without saying, further bickering and agression would not be appreciated nor tolerated, did I make myself clear?"

With the free hand, the smiling ork taps his clothes, in order to make the cloth straight again after the subduing maneuver. His voice tone is calm but carries in it a sense of no-nonsense, and his breathing clearly indicate he has not struggled as much as he could.

"Screw you!" - Ravier spits out some blood. He visibly trembles, and his skin is gray as ash. His body odor isn't so good say the least.

"Yeah, screw you!" - the nurse repeats, looking at the unconscious guard. "We won't tell anything to you!"

"Maybe there is no need for that." - a weak, but steady voice from the corner of the elevator. It's the doctor who came with the nurse, and it seems he managed to stay out of sight until now (considering he was behind the two muscular orks, it wasn't that hard). - "I pressed the Panicbutton on my commlink when I saw Mr. Ravier standing in front of us. I'm sure Knight Errant will be here in a minute. I'm sure they will thank you both for what you did today. After the investigation, of course." - he also looks at the guard on the floor.


The van has a ward in it, and your astral senses cannot pierce it. You maybe heard about riggers using vans as moving HQ-s, and it seems he wasn't sloppy on security, be it magical or physical.

After half a minute, the door pops open and you see Watchmaker smiling in there, extending one arm to you and massaging his temple with the other.
"Sorry for that. I'm on my toes because of KE. I had to outmaneuver their patrols and checkpoints. Now I made sure we have a few minutes to talk. I'm Watchmaker, by the way. So, I hear you searching for someone? Have you got the details on you?" 


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« Reply #29 on: <02-10-12/1608:28> »
The ork didn't like being insulted, but no one was going to die today by his hands (no one was paying for a death, so why bother?). But a snake can hiss even when not intending to bite, so the Gentleman was about to make his angry face to the pair and remember them that being polite saves a lot in dental care, when the doctor interrupted him.

"Thomas" turns to him.

"That's a good thing to know, my friend. It's my opinion that a hospital should be a place with a little more order than what I had witnessed today. Would you be so kind as to introduced yourself?" - The question is directed both at the doctor and at the ork woman. - "I'm Thomas Gramarie, and I was on my way to the pharmacy."