[Resource][Vehicle] Ares’ Secure Rail Transporter (SRT)

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« on: <01-16-15/1614:09> »
Ares’ Secure Rail Transporter (SRT)[Rail]

The Ares’ SRT is the definitive secure cargo transport. Wither they are highly valuable (like Orichalcum, magic focuses, gold, or deltaware implants) or highly dangerous (like cyberzombies, bioweapons, or prisoners) the SRT can get it there safe and unmolested. Bristling with autocannons and protected by drones the heavily armored vehicle rides the rails with the firepower of a small army. When the rails are blocked there is a heavy tool arm to cut apart the obstruction. Integrated Biofibers even prevent enemy mages and spirits from projecting into vital areas of the train. Most companies declare their trains to be facilities, and there for have Extra-territoriality. While they are secure, they are not cheap; a standard train will cost upwards of 15 million ¥ . For the few logistics companies that own them freight charges tend to range from 50¥  to 100¥  per Kg (approximately 50,000¥  per ton).

Common stats:
Accel: 1
Pilot: 6
Body: 20
Armor: 25
Sensors: 6
Hardening: 6
Avail: 32F

Equipment (all) cars

Rail Propulsion (Primary)
Life Support : All cars have a chemseal 6 and 36 hours of stored O2)
Anti-Theft System (Electrified Hull): 20S with enough power for 5 charges. Recharges 1 charge every 5 min.
Force 6 Biofiber panels: Counts as a level 6 ward.
Fiber Optic Network (All systems are wireless except for the drones and Tac Net)
ComPac-Esprit Level 3 Tac Net for all personnel on train.

Crew: 1 Driver rigger, 1 drone rigger, 1 off duty rigger and one combat mage.
One engine can pull 25 cars without a reduction of speed. After that drop the top speed 5 per 10 extra cars.
Cost: 5,000,000¥
Mechanical Arm (Strength:25)
- Jackhammer
- Hydraulic Press
- Welding Laser
- Chainsaw
Rigger Adaptation: Manual Controls (Drive by wire)
Satellite uplink (Communications and Drone control)
Crew quarters (2 coffin sized sleeping areas)
(1)Remote  weapon mount (Top)
-Ares Lancer Laser [Vehicle mounted]
(2)Remote flexible weapon mount (1 per side)
--Ares Vigorous Assault cannon
-500 round ammo storage

Cargo Car:
Crew:2 door gunners on duty, 1 off duty.
Cost: 2,500,000¥
Mechanical Arm : Strength:10(Grapple for loading cargo)
Cargo area: 15 meters x 5 meters x 5 meters. Can hold 10 tons of cargo
Crew quarters (1 coffin sized sleeping area)
(2) Manual weapon mount (1 per side)
-Ares Vigorous Assault cannon
-500 round ammo storage

Crew: 3 door gunners on duty, 2 gunners off duty, 1 backup rigger.
Cost: 3,500,000¥
Crew quarters (3 coffin sized sleeping areas)
Remote heavy weapon mount (Top)
-Ares Archon Heavy MP Laser [Vehicle mount]
(3) Manual weapon mounts (2 per side; 1 rear)
-Ares Vigorous Assault cannon
-500 round ammo storage
Multilaunch drone rack- 10 MCT-Nissan Roto-Drones
[Vindicator] Targeting: 6
Heavy wepon mount:
-GE Vindicator  Mini--Gun
« Last Edit: <01-16-15/1626:26> by BRodda »


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« Reply #1 on: <01-16-15/1704:03> »
What book is that assault cannon from? Also, 5th hasn't up-dated that version of a weapon mount (I don't think) nor drive by wire.

Cheers at all the hard work!
Quote- Mirikon on 7/30/2019 at 08:26:51
Agreed. This looks like a 'training wheels' edition, that you can use to introduce someone to the setting, and then shift over to something like 5E or 4E. Like how D&D 5E is best used as training wheels for D&D 3.X.

Turned in Toxshaman for ¥1 million/4 once.


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« Reply #2 on: <01-16-15/1743:47> »
What book is that assault cannon from? Also, 5th hasn't up-dated that version of a weapon mount (I don't think) nor drive by wire.

Cheers at all the hard work!

Might be explaining things bad (and yes it was built in 4th).

Drive by wire means that the rigger has to be plugged into the rigger module with the fiber optic cable. No wireless.

Same for the turrets. the remote ones can only be fired by the plugged in riggers. The manual ones are fired by the gunners (who can plug in too or fire manually, no wireless).

Lots of independent systems.

Assault cannon is from Run and Gun.


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« Reply #3 on: <01-16-15/1750:46> »
K, then I will go look up the cannon. That lack of wireless in this case is a really good idea, actually. Helps protect the systems from deckers. The bigger part on the mounts is flexible, that currently doesn't exist. I am guessing it increase the weapons range of motion.
Quote- Mirikon on 7/30/2019 at 08:26:51
Agreed. This looks like a 'training wheels' edition, that you can use to introduce someone to the setting, and then shift over to something like 5E or 4E. Like how D&D 5E is best used as training wheels for D&D 3.X.

Turned in Toxshaman for ¥1 million/4 once.


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« Reply #4 on: <01-16-15/1754:26> »
K, then I will go look up the cannon. That lack of wireless in this case is a really good idea, actually. Helps protect the systems from deckers. The bigger part on the mounts is flexible, that currently doesn't exist. I am guessing it increase the weapons range of motion.

Pretty much on the nose with the wireless. The drones and tac net are the only things that are wireless.
Yes. Like a ball turret on a WWII bomber.


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« Reply #5 on: <01-18-15/1833:00> »
Which could be hacked, but considering all the other defenses, not super helpful comparatively.
Quote- Mirikon on 7/30/2019 at 08:26:51
Agreed. This looks like a 'training wheels' edition, that you can use to introduce someone to the setting, and then shift over to something like 5E or 4E. Like how D&D 5E is best used as training wheels for D&D 3.X.

Turned in Toxshaman for ¥1 million/4 once.